Northumbria Blood Bikes need your help!
We provide a totally free out of hours courier service to the NHS, moving vital Blood for transfusion, urgent samples for testing, notes, medications and equipment, in the North East of England. This service saves the NHS money, and saves lives.
Our service is provided entirely by volunteers who give their time freely, and we rely on the generosity of the general public and businesses to keep our fleet on the road.
Due to Covid restrictions we have been unable to fundraise in our usual manner, and so we need your support more now than ever.
To donate £1, text NBB1 to 70201
To donate £3, text NBB1 to 70331
To donate £5, text NBB1 to 70970
To donate £10, text NBB1 to 70191
Any funds donated go directly to providing our service.
* Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating as DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). For Terms & Conditions, see