These are difficult times for all of us, and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra is no exception. With 90% of our income generated from the sale of concert tickets and with no performances since the middle of March, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact, both on the Orchestra’s finances and the income of its freelance musicians. And with the continued restrictions, it’s unlikely the RPO will be able to perform to live audiences in the foreseeable future.
But resilience is one of the RPO’s values and we remain optimistic and resolute in our determination to emerge from this crisis, continuing to serve our communities, bringing the thrill and excitement of live orchestral music to the widest possible audience.
Your support at this critical time would be hugely appreciated.
If you are able to make a donation you can do so via the Donate button on the RPO website, or by texting.
Together, we can ensure that the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra continues making music that kindles the fires of the imagination and inspires all of us towards a positive and more hopeful future.