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Team Jak Foundation

Team Jak Foundation


Provides support to children and young people with cancer.

Team Jak provides practical social and emotional support to children & young people with cancer age 0-25 throughout Scotland at Jak’s Den in Livingston, via pop up Dens, in hospital or at home. Our support includes counselling, music and alternative therapies, bereavement support and and bespoke Bag of Worries groups. For those unable to leave hospital, Team Jak provides support through visiting, playing games, crafts & music therapy, and we provide Jak’s Sacks goody bags to those newly diagnosed or relapsed. Team Jak also visit families at home and provide support to the children's schools and activity groups to help other children understand what they are going through.

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Team Jak Foundation

TEAMJAK Team Jak- creating smiles, easing the journey

Team Jak- creating smiles, easing the journey

Team Jak provide practical, social and emotional support to children and young people with cancer in Scotland and their families, friends and those be... Read more
