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The British Association of Barbershop Singers

The British Association of Barbershop Singers


Our Mission is to further the education of the general public in any and all aspects of Barbershop Harmony and singing in the Barbershop Harmony style

We are the largest organisation of barbershop singers outside of North America and have more than 60 registered choruses (choirs) and 100 registered barbershop quartets across the country, including male voice ensembles and mixed voice ensembles. More and more men and women alike are experiencing the thrill and excitement of singing harmony in the distinctive barbershop style in both all-male and/or mixed choruses, which continues to bring new members of all ages to our associations. We all share the joy of singing - but it’s the harmony that makes the difference!

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The British Association of Barbershop Singers

SRGM02 BABS General Donations

BABS General Donations

BABS is a registered charity with the aim of promoting music education and the understanding of singing harmony in the barbershop style. ... Read more

SRGM01 Your first campaign

Your first campaign

Write a really compelling short description or summary... Read more
