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Trent Community First Responders

Trent Community First Responders

East Midlands

Trent Community First Responders, a team of highly trained volunteers, responding to medical emergencies who deliver life-saving care in the community

Our team of volunteers donate their time outside of their day-to-day lives to respond to the most life-threatening emergencies in partnership with East Midlands Ambulance Service. We are fully trained and equipped to deliver life-saving interventions prior to the arrival of an ambulance. When minutes matter, the arrival of a Trent Community First Responder can not only be of great reassurance but also be the difference between life or death. As a charity all of our work and equipment is funded entirely through donations. With no paid staff or premises to run, 100% of donations go straight to the front line. With your help, we can keep responders providing critical care in the community, fully equipped and safe in our liveried response car.

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Trent Community First Responders



Trent Community First Responders, a team of highly trained volunteers, responding to medical emergencies who deliver life-saving care in the community... Read more



Trent Community First Responders, a team of highly trained volunteers, responding to medical emergencies who deliver life-saving care in the community... Read more
