Are rising costs still on your mind?
In the UK, a total of 9.3 million adults experienced food poverty at the start of this year. More than 3 million of these reported not eating for a whole day because they couldn’t afford or access food. Help us to ease the burden of food poverty for Big Issue North vendors!
For everyone, food prices have increased by 19.1% in just one year, which is the sharpest jump in more than 45 years! Big Issue North vendors are now being pushed below the breadline, as food prices continue to soar, with many severely struggling to feed themselves and their families.
Over 89% of UK food banks reported an increase in visitors who are unable to afford food. With our vendors, we see people desperately in need every single day! People living in food poverty either don’t have enough money to buy sufficient nutritious food or struggle to get it because of accessibility in their community. It is particularly hitting low-income families, and this represents all of the 350 vendors across the North of the UK.
53.8% of universal credit claimants faced food poverty in January. Most people who fall into food poverty struggle because their income is too low or unreliable. Vendors can sell anywhere between 5 and 70 magazines each week. For vendors only selling a few magazines, it can be hard just to buy the basic ingredients!
Urgent support is needed for vendors fighting to survive on a very low income and become sufferers of food poverty because of it. Vendors have made an amazing decision to earn an income by selling the magazine and changing their lives, but with food poverty hitting hard, we urgently need your support.