I was introduced to boxing a couple of years ago by Bear Maclean and the Power of Boxing team at the Fitzroy Lodge in Lambeth. It had seriously beneficial effects on my health and lifestyle and I continued to use boxing for fitness until the beginning of 2018, when I felt it was time to actually get in the ring and see how Big my Balls really were!
Thanks to GymBox, Harrison Roberts, the team at FFC and the Charlie Watkins Foundation, that chance has become a reality, and on the 18th May I will step into the ring at York Hall in Bethnal Green and the fun will begin!
Charlie Watkins was only 22 when he took his life in March 2017. Sadly, Charlie never recovered from the tragic loss of his mother when he was nine years old. Charlie is one of many examples of young people who suffer from mental health issues today, and the Charlie Watkins Foundation aims to raise funds for trustees of the foundation to better support young people suffering from mental illness problems.
Mental health problems can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race or social background. Despite this, however, studies have shown that certain mental illnesses affect men and women differently. Along with other City based fighters, we are trying to raise £10,000 for the charity.
I personally could not be happier to be fighting under the banner of the Charlie Watkins Foundation and I hope you will join me on the night to not just support me, but also show your support to the hundreds of yound men and women out there today who suffer from mental illness, and help us prevent others taking their lives as Charlie did this time last year. Tickets can be purchased at www.fightingforcharity.com and any donations, no matter how small or large that you can make will really help inspire me to keep pushing myself right up until the 18th May and to push through that pain barrier and come out on top at the end of the three rounds.
Many thanks, and I look forward to seeing you on the night!!
Big love from the Triple B!!