Fundraising towards the cost of ongoing maintenance and repair of the fabric of St Mary the Virgin Church, Maulden.
In 2020 we paid over £12,000 for the floor repairs in the church following beetle infestation and in 2021 we anticipate the need for more funds for repairs to the tower together with ongoing maintenance requirements.
Since it's inception in 1985 the Friends of St Mary's have given over £80,000 towards the structural repair and protection of the building St Mary the Virgin Church Maulden.
In 1252 monks from Dunstable built a church, St Mary the Virgin on the hill above Maulden. In 1858 all but the tower and part of the north wall was demolished and the Church that we now see was erected. The Church is part of the history and architectural heritage of Maulden and as such belongs to all of its inhabitants and visitors, whatever our beliefs. In addition it provides an almost irreplacable service for the population of the village and is an important part of the Greensand Country.