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GMSP Foundation

GMSP Foundation


GMSP Foundation invests in women and girls as agents of transformative change in the UK and India

GMSP Foundation was set up in 2006 to provide grants for social change. Coming from a business background, GMSP takes an entrepreneurial approach to giving. The Foundation assesses and measures impact and sustainability and always seeks out dynamic and capable leadership. GMSP’s core funding projects are those that empower girls and women. We believe girls and women are the engine of change and that by empowering them they can empower they entire community.

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GMSP Foundation

RISETOG Rise Together

Rise Together

Rise Together is a campaign driving public attention and investment to five of the strongest BME-led and focused organisations tackling violence again... Read more

SRIZ001 Your first campaign

Your first campaign

Write a really compelling short description or summary... Read more
