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Hijinx Theatre

Hijinx Theatre


Hijinx is one of Europe’s leading inclusive theatre companies, pioneering, producing, and promoting opportunities for learning disabled actors.

There are 1.5 million people in the UK with a learning disability, yet 9/10 have been the victim of hate/mate crime or harassment Only 0.3% of the total film workforce is disabled 95% of disabled characters are played by neurotypical actors We are the changemakers. Hijinx showcases a world where the arts and society can be fully inclusive for neurodivergent people. We facilitate: Professional performance training for 70 neurodivergent actors across Wales who perform in our productions and deliver award-winning communications training to businesses The UK’s largest casting platform for neurodivergent actors Two Drama Foundations teaching life skills through drama Two inclusive youth theatre groups Odyssey, an inclusive community theatre

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Hijinx Theatre

HJNX001 Your first campaign

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