Hollesley Village hall is the heart of our small rural village.
Adjacent to a large recreation ground, the hall is sited in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and with the sea only 5 minutes away, it is an enchanting place.
The local community make much use of it with exercise classes including Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates and sports such as karate and short-mat bowls. There is a youth club and health and well-being activities include the Welcome Club and lunch club for friends to meet up. The WI is very popular and there are many groups and organisations who use the facility for meetings. We have caravan clubs who come each year and it is used for a wide range of celebratory events including dances and children’s parties.
Our Raise the Roof campaign has been started to replace the asbestos and concrete roof. The removal will cost £11,000 and the new roof about £70,000. We need your help please.
£100 will buy some new roof tiles and £1,000 will remove 10 asbestos tiles.
We are only a small village ((population 1,600). Please help us to make our hall special and ensure that its future is secure for another generation.