The Bank of Things is a project developed for young people by young people. The Young Mayor of Lewisham and Young advisors teams came up with the idea after witnissing first hand how a lack of access to certain daily essenails was preventing young people from engaing fully in their day to day lives.
This service aims to address this by offering everyday essentials such as toiletries and school supplies to young people enabling them to fully participate in their day to day lives and reach their full potential.
Sadly 1 in 5 of the UK population live below the poverty line. In London this is even worse, we have the highest rate of child poverty of any English region, and this is even higher in Lewisham.
Through careful consulation with young people accross the borough we developed a Menu of much needed items including sanitary products, toiletires and school supplies. Thanks to kind and generous danoations from local schools and individuals we can now start supporting those in need.
However demand is high and we need your support through donations to help keep the service running, to ensure we ahve the most needed items availbale and to ensure no young person is turned away.
Our shop in Lewisham shopping centre, Unit 19, is open to young people from 4 to 7pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. We run a 'no questions asked' system so you can simply come along, fill out a form and we will do the rest.