The Lynx was hunted to extinction in the UK over 1300 years ago. There are overwhelming moral and ecological reasons that the lynx should be brought back to the UK where it rightfully belongs. Lynx will breathe life back into our damaged forest ecosystems promoting ecosystem stability and resilience. The Lynx UK Trust CIC was formed in 2014 by a group of experienced conservationists and scientists with specialisations in wild felines, genetics, field research, reintroductions and education that have worked on projects worldwide. We are currently seeking licences to conduct a regulated scientific trial, studying the effects of a Eurasian lynx reintroduction to selected sites in Scotland and England. This will involve a time limited trial reintroduction so as to observe, measure and analyse the effects of lynx on various aspects of the UK's social, economic and natural environments. This will then lead to a full reintroduction. Only with your help can we make this happen.