MGCfutures was founded by director Michael Grandage. Over the last 6 years, we have awarded bursaries to 126 recipients accross all areas of theatre making, providing unique and invaluable support. Previous recipients have gone on to develop successful and influential careers in the theatre industry, such as Rebecca Frecknall, Marcelo Dos Santos or Waleed Akhtar. We now need your support to create a long-lasting fund and expand the ways in which we can support the theatre makers of the future.
We hope to:
- Increase the bursary fund so more theatre makers can benefit from the programme.
- Expand the ways in which we can support bursary recipients through networking and mentoring opportunities.
- Give the bursary programme and its recipients more visibility through online content and live events.
MGCfutures is funded through income raised by the company itself, through donations and the support of generous individual givers. The charity is governed by a Board of Trustees and supported by the charity's patrons.