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Solace Women's Aid

Solace Women's Aid


Solace Women's Aid vision is of a world where women and children live their lives free from all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).

Solace provides support to over 22000 women and girls in London every year to build safe lives and strong futures. We do this by providing a range of specialist services, creative and innovative ways to support women and children from crisis, to recovery and independence. Our services fall into 6 core areas: - Solace advice & support: providing on-going support to survivors, helping them to rebuild their lives through advice, advocacy and support. - Accommodation services: providing 40 refuge and move-on accommodations to hundreds of women and children made homeless through domestic or sexual abuse. - Therapeutic services: 1-1 counselling, group work and specialist holistic therapies help women recover after experiencing traumatic abuse - Solace's Rape Crisis: offering a range of services to women and girls 13+ who have experienced any form of sexual violence in their lives. - Our Young People's service: deliver a range of services, including prevention work, for families and young people living in the community. - Training service: reaching organisations to help improve their response to domestic and sexual abuse.

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Solace Women's Aid



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SOLACE Solace Women's Aid

Solace Women's Aid

For safe lives and strong futures, free from abuse and violence. ... Read more
