Your Community - Your Church
Please support your local church to help us in our work with all th epeople of Great Cornard. We're involved across the community with the very young, the very old and everyone in between. Whether its Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals; finding out about Christianity, pastoral visiting and counselling, messy church, school holiday activities, social and faith based activities we're here for everyone - whether you're a Christian, of a different faith or no faith at all.
It costs the diocese over £60,000 a year to provide mininstry in Great Cornard, the vast majority of which comes from local giving. We at St Andrews only raise around £22,000 per year of that total, the work of our church is subsidised by the rest of the diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. Your giving, no matter the size, will make the difference around being able to continue to run all sorts of activities.
If you pay income tax, you can opt to gift aid your donation which means we can collect an addition %25 on top of your donation from the Inland Revenue. You can opt to pass your details to the church to keep in touch with events or you can remain anonymous. You can also chose to give a regular donation - just 10 people giving £10/month is an extra £1200/year which would be an amazing help toward paying for the ministry going on in your parish and would help us to do more with those in need of support.
Thank you for donating to St Andrews
Many Blessings
Rev Chris, Rev Jennie and the PCC of St Andrews Church