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Stourfield Infant and Junior Schools

Stourfield Infant and Junior Schools

South West

Stourfield Schools Parents and Friends' Association is a charity established to raise funds to benefit the children at both Stourfield Infant and Stourfield Junior Schools

Stourfield Schools PFA is a charity established to raise funds to benefit the children and the school. The school is fortunate to have a flourishing PFA which exists to enhance the strong link between schools and home, to further promote good parent/school relationships and as a fund raising body. A variety of social events and educational events is organised by the PFA. Funds raised by the association enhance school life for the children by making it possible to subsidise educational visits, Christmas parties and by providing additional equipment. The PFA holds an Annual General Meeting every Autumn term, to which all parents are invited by the Directors, Headteacher and Staff.

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Stourfield Infant and Junior Schools

STOURF Stourfield Grand Draw

Stourfield Grand Draw

To raise as much money as possible for the children of Stourfield Infant and Junior Schools... Read more
