The friends of Tewkesbury Hospital continue to support the healthcare needs of the local community. This year we have provided the hospital inpatients with newspapers each day, to help them feel welcome and not so isolated. The wonderful volunteers offer them a news paper and often chat with them about the day. For those patients with dementia related illnesses this is one way to help them focus on the present. We also bought specialist software that helps them to recoonect with longer term memories that help them settle. This software, reduces the number of patients who wander randomly from their room or in their room as part of their condition, thereby reducing falls and other medical issues. The nurses and staff have foudn this really helpful in helping patients with complex care needs.
We have also supported the community midwives by purcahsing a bilirubometer, which is able to detect Jaundice in newborn baies without having to do a prick test whcih is very distressing for newborn children and their parents. This new technology is now being actively used with community midwives to help make sure newborns are safe and well.
We continue to support the Acupuncture clinic, which was a service that was withdrawn by the NHS is the locality. Through patient contributions, gift aid and support from the Friends, this service brings pain relief to those in the community with chronic conditions. We are proud to be able to continue this work.