An ecumenical partnership between the Church of Scotland and the Scottish Episcopal Church has led to the recruitment of the first Pilgrim Pastor in the United Kingdom along the route of the Fife Pilgrim Way. The Rev Duncan Weaver took up his appointment in November 2022, and throughout 2023 will be developing relationships within the local communities through which the route passes; with local churches, and leading walks for people of all ages, abilities, faith and none.
The funding of this post is shared between local Church of Scotland congregations and the Episcopal Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, and because of this Duncan is able to offer all of his walks for free - usually operating over two days per week. Some of those underrtaking the walks have wanted to make a donation for the opportunity they have been offered, and so this national funding campaign exists to offer an easily available text code and web link for them to do so. There remains no obligation for anyone to make a donation.
At present because the role of Pilgrim Pastor is salaried from the Abbey Church of Dunfermline, all funds from this campaign will be paid into their bank account into a fund reserved only for use by the Pilgrim Pastor and the Pilgrim Pastor Steering Group. At such time as the Pilgrim Pastor become a salried employee with another church, presbytery or diocese, these funds will be transferred for the sole purpose of supporting the role and purpose of the Pilgrim Pastor on the FIfe Pilgrim Way.