"We support Ashdown Forest"
Ashdown Forest is a unique and very special place for residents, local communities and visitors - 6,500 acres of protected heathland and woodland, paths, rides and trails, hidden gardens, waterfalls, streams and magnificent views to the North and South Downs.
Due in part to ever decreasing budget and grant cuts we are piloting a new fundraising scheme asking visitors to contribute voluntarily to support Ashdown Forest and help with the preservation of our amenity spaces and car parks.
We are hoping to raise £30,000 annually.
The Conservators of Ashdown Forest need to raise funds for this and for other charitable purposes on the Forest.
The most recent Visitor Survey estimated that there were 4541 visits per day to Ashdown Forest with just a small staff team, supported by teams of volunteers, who work to 'manage the forest as an amenity and place of resort and to conserve it as a quiet and natural area of outstanding beauty.’ Local residents also tell us they would like to show their appreciation for this wonderful resource on their doorstep.
We appreciate all the support so many of you give us whether by volunteering, through donations or supporting events.
Thank you!