Victoria Park Community Trust has developed an Action Plan setting out a vision of what might be achieved in Victoria Park. Plans include to introduce new uses into those areas of the park which have fallen into disrepair (former blaes pitches, bowling greens and putting greens) as well as new ideas to meet the demands of the twenty-first century visitor. These include:
- developing a community growing spaces and forest orchard
- constructing an adventure play for older kids with cycle skills track
- building a biodiversity garden and generally increasing the biodiversity throughout the park by introducing more native species and wildflower meadows
- building a sensory garden
- developing an arboretum
- increasing the habitat for wildlife along the southern edge of the pond
- reducing the visual, noise and pollution impacts of the Expressway along the southern boundary of the park by mass planting of native shrub species
- improving pedestrian paths along the north side of the park to give better access for all
- maintaining and improving the tennis courts free to turn up and play
- upgrading the cafe facilities
- introducing more shelters into the park
- maintaining and enhancing the existing play area
- introducing an outdoor gym
Help improve biodiversity, reduce the impact of climate change and improve the quality of life of our community.