When you give the gift of glasses you bring so much more than just seeing clearly into someone’s life. Glasses mean grandparents can see their children and watch them play. Parents can see better and earn more to support their families. Students are more able to get the grades they need to fulfil their dreams.
Glasses mean greater independence, confidence, dignity and hope for a better future.
Having glasses, being able to see clearly is life changing. For Charles from Zambia, a father of seven and construction foreman, not being able to see was making his work much more difficult. Charles had been struggling to see for two years and was overjoyed when he realised there was a visiting eye clinic in town.
Happily, Charles was given an eye test and a pair of glasses and said: “I will now be able to see the small details on the plan.”
1.2 billion people worldwide struggle to see clearly because they do not have the glasses or eye care they need. A Lancet Commission report on global eye health found vision impairment perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequity, with the burden of unmet need, 90% of cases, falling upon low- and middle-income countries.
Without eye care and glasses parents struggle to earn enough to provide for their families, and children struggle to learn at school, as they cannot easily see their blackboard or textbooks.
Happily, we have a solution, for just £5 we can provide an eye test and a pair of glasses to a person in need.