Established in May 2017 with just four employees, Well-Fed has grown into a thriving social enterprise employing 13 people and creating enormous social and economic impact within our community and beyond. Trading from our first premises within the Whiteinch Centre, Well-Fed created a safe social space open to the entire community.
Over the past 3 years Well-Fed has transformed a small kitchen and cafe space (circa 1000 sqft) into a thriving and flourishing business, with a turnover in the last financial year of £350,000, although more remarkable than this, is the social and economic impact that has been created. Being a truly community led organisation, Well-Fed has worked to tackle the issues identified by the community, in their community. Food poverty, social isolation, lack of opportunity and barriers to inclusion have all been identified as key social issues within the Whiteinch area of the city and as an organisation Well-Fed have responded by providing:
Over 33,000 FREE meals to children and families within the local community (Monetary value £130,000)
FREE school holiday activity and meal provision to over 300 children and their families across all school holidays (Monetary value £165,000)
Redistributing over 7000 crates of FREE (approx 125 Tons) surplus food through our dignified food pantry model (Monetary Value £300,000)
Operating a FREE homework and learning club with food provision for an average 60 children and their families each week (Monetary value £45,000)
Providing a full program of FREE wellbeing activities inc. training and volunteering opportunities to adults and young people (Monetary value £60,000)
Hosting over 50 FREE community events with food provision including Christmas Day 2017, 2018 & 2019 (Monetary value £37,000)
An enormous total equivalent Monetary value of £737,000 invested in the Whiteinch community.
As our community engagement has continued to grow year on year and the demand for our service becoming increasingly more complex and multi-faceted, it is clear that Well-Fed has become a much needed and much relied on service to the Whiteinch community.
Unfortunately, and for reasons beyond our control, Well-Fed will be without premises as of May 2020. The impact of removing Well-Fed from the community would be devastating and in order to continue our work, Well-Fed must source new premises, which are not only suitable for trade, but capable of meeting the on-going needs of the community.
Whiteinch is home to a diverse population, many of whom face difficulties in their daily lives through one or all of the below social issues. The area has been identified as an area of multiple deprivation, scoring in the top 5% of most deprived areas of Scotland.
Food insecurity is so much more than not having enough to eat, not knowing where your families next meal is coming from is one of the most stressful situations a parent can find themselves in. The impact that food insecurity has on a child can also be devastating and have lifelong repercussions. Alongside the obvious discomfort of hunger, children report feeling frightened, ashamed and anxious. Children who feel this way are unable to perform in school, build relationships with peers and flourish the way young people should, understanding this, Well-Fed are determined to do all that we can to eradicate food poverty within Whiteinch.
Well-Fed offer free meals to all children every weekend of the year and at any other time where needed. We host two free family meal evenings every week and provide breakfast lunch and dinner to children and their families during every day of each school holiday. To ensure that families also have food at home, we also have a dedicated pantry area within our cafe where people are free to help themselves to bakery products, fresh fruit and vegetables, freshly prepared takeaway meals and cupboard essentials. This is offered in a dignified way to everyone and is available 7 days per week 9am -9pm with no referral or assessment process.
Isolation and loneliness are now recognised by the World health organisation as being a modern health crisis, being isolated and disconnected has a negative impact on mental as well as physical health. Families who have strong relationships with others within their community require less intervention from statutory services, attend the doctor less frequently and children perform better in school when they have a larger network of support.
Well-fed believe that the power of connection within the community is one of the most powerful tools we have, as such we encourage adults and children alike to use our space to meet and build friendships. Our holiday programs are designed to include the whole family giving not only opportunity for children to try a range of activities but allowing parents to build friendships and strengthen their own support network.
For many people in Whiteinch, opportunity seems to be just out of reach, often leading to feelings of failure and low self-worth. Well-Fed seek to address these feeling by taking an inclusive approach to all, whether this be via providing volunteering opportunities, employment opportunities or a place on our own community advisory committee. Whenever an employment opportunity arises within Well-Fed, we always look to the local community to fill the vacancy.
Whether a school leaver or someone in later life, Well-Fed value the person and their potential, not what they have done previously which has led us to employing a diverse staff team, ranging from school leavers with little to no qualifications to people who have experienced addiction and or homelessness, those with additional needs for learning to those with on-going and enduring mental health difficulties. It is this approach which has made Well-Fed the organisation that it is today.
A large proportion (30 - 40%) of the families whom we work with have one or more children with recognised additional support needs. Families have shared the difficulties that they have faced in integrating into the wider community and Well-Fed have responded by providing a fully inclusive environment where children and other families are able to see past these barriers and come together as one.
We are enormously proud that together we have created an environment where everyone can feel included, welcome and safe and this ethos is at the heart of this new project. Despite our best efforts we recognise that there are still remaining barriers to inclusion and as such our new premises will host a dedicated sensory room alongside a fully accessible changing places toilet facility.
In a word, MONEY!!
Well-Fed need to raise one-off capital funds of £150,000 to transform our new premises from being a cold warehouse in South Street into a warm, welcoming, inclusive and safe community facility at the heart of the community, and we don't have a long time to do this.
Asking for help is somewhat new to us as an organisation, but there come times where everybody needs a helping hand and that time is now for Well-Fed.
Without your support, the Whiteinch community is at risk of losing a service which hundreds of families have come to rely on. Well-Fed has been a constant in so many families lives' over the past 3 years and with your support we will be there to continue to support our community through any difficulties they may face and also the generations that will follow.
Prominently situated at the junction of South Street and Scotstoun Street. With an internal space of 10,000 sqft, the property will allow Well-Fed to grow to provide the capacity needed for wider community engagement.
The property will allow for a large fully inclusive community space (5,000 sqft) which will incorporate adequate dining facilities alongside a play area for younger children, a dedicated area for older children / young people, a large floor area for events and activities, a learning zone, a sensory room and a dedicated changing space for those with physical disabilities.
"Before meeting the well fed community i suffered really badly with depression and i didnt want to leave the house, this had an impact on not only on myself but my kids to . although i still suffer from mental health the well fed community has made a big impact on mine and my kids lifes and has giving me a new out look on life and giving me the confidence to get out more. Almost a year later my life has dramatically changed, i am just about to start college which i never thought i would do and my kids have met loads of new friends. Without the well fed community i dont know were i would be without theyre amazing work and support network they have for me and my kids xxx"
"Wellfed have provided a apprenticeship for my daughter that left school before exams this will in turn give her the life skills education and support she requires to be professionally and personally capable to hold a job. My daughter has been through a lot after her dad died of an overdose Wellfed have gave her emotional support as well as provided ongoing family support that helps my daughters mental health and social ability.nThey have also personally helped me with my mental health an support with educational needs to complete my honors degree at Glasgow uni. I am tryin to educate myself to have a better life for myself and my daughter I would find this really difficult if I didnt have the valuable support of wellfed and their team"
"wellfed has made a big impacted on myself and my daughter life as she now feels comfy being round all different children and is happy to join in with the different activities the guys at wellfed offer. my daughter has tired all different and healthy foods thanks to the team at wellfed. I couldn't be happier been round ppl when I need them most. such special ppl to think about others all the time"
"Wow where do I start it has done so much for me and kids I suffer from depression and have done since I was a kid since coming well fed I don’t feel lonely anymore I’ve met so many wonderful ppl and other mums who are now all friends and support it’s somewhere to go matter how ur feeling someone will always b there to have a gab and put a smile on my face and that’s before all the wonderful experience that my kids and I have been able to enjoy thanks to them.. before well fed I used to dread the school holidays now we can’t wait for them to make more wonderful memories with our wellfed family xxx
"Well fed is a massive part of me and my kids lifes from building all of our confidence, making life long friends and all of the brilliant chances that we get to make memories and explore things and places that wouldn't normally have the chance 2 do. Before well-fed I found it really hard to find the right club for my kids were I could also be apart of what they are doing as my kids find it hard to be on there own with me. Well-fed aren't just a club they are a family ❤???? xxx"
"Well fed has been great for my mental health not just well fed but Chris and claire check up on us to make sure we’re ok which is lovely of them because I feel they care about us"
"Since my son has started going to well fed he absolutly loves it as do i myself they things they do for kids and familys is brilliant i used to stay in thornlibank and still used to travel to get to it it is amazing not just for my family but for all familys dont think the community would be the same without it we are just like one big family xxx"
"Well-fed have had a massive impact on me and my family life and also so many more families too as a single mum of 3 kids i cant always afford to take my kids places or do things with them as much as i would like to but with well fed my kids are actually able to experience so much they are honestly the most amazing people to walk this earth & not to forget they have gave me the chance to actually meet and interact with other mums aswell well fed are the most best people/place about without them this place would have nothing xxx"
"Without well fed me in kenzie would be stuck in the house all time and he would still be stuck to me like glue use have given him so much confidence and wee have meet some amazing friends wee would lost without use i dont mind it not being anonymous"
"I have lived in maryhill for the vast majority of my life and moving to whiteinch was going to be a big change for us, that change was made a lot easier for us thanks to the well fed community making myself, partner and kids feel so welcome. They have changed our lives for the better in a short period of time making them more than just friends they are our family"
"having fled domestic violence in November we left with nothing but our clothes. A friend suggested i get in touch with well fed and when i told them my biggest fear was my 3 children waking up on christmas with nothing they delivered food and amazing gifts that had been donated to them. i have never felt so cared for and seeing my kids faces on christmas morning has given me hope that we are going to be ok"
On behalf of Well-Fed (Scotland) CIC, our staff team and most importantly the Whiteinch Community, I want to share my sincere thanks and appreciation for taking an interest in Well-Fed and for your supporting our campaign, Every little bit goes a long way.
Christopher Gray
Managing Director