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Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation

Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation

Yorkshire and the Humber

WildLife Foundation was formerly Yorkshire Widlife Park Foundation.

Since our humble beginnings we’ve gone on to work with various charities and conservation projects throughout the world to save habitats and project species, improve welfare, encourage sustainable behaviours and educate tomorrow’s wildlife experts. OUR VISION "to create a better world for wild animals by creating dynamic communities who promote, conserve and sustain the world’s biodiversity and improve animal welfare.” OUR CHARITABLE OBJECTIVES To promote and advance the conservation and welfare of endangered wildlife both in their natural habitat and in captivity and to educate and inspire the public. OUR CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH PROJECT WORK We work collaboratively with many other zoos, charities and conservation agencies throughout the world to help ensure the survival of many threatened species. We support a number of conservation projects in the wild through funding and expertise including Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance (ALTA), The Giraffe Conservation Foundation, Save the Rhino and our more recently Polar Bear International.

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Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation

RHINO Support Endangered Rhinos!

Support Endangered Rhinos!

All funds raised will support the teams like the one at the Ol Jogi Conservancy, in Kenya, which operates across 58,000 acres providing a safe habitat... Read more

PBW12 Polar Bear Day Competition 2024

Polar Bear Day Competition 2024

Join us in supporting Polar Bears International during Polar Bear Day 2024.... Read more

PBW23 Polar Bear Week Competition!

Polar Bear Week Competition!

Join us in supporting Polar Bears International during Polar Bear Week 2023 by donating to win a Polar Bear Experience at Yorkshire Wildlife Park!... Read more

LION Lion Rescue 2 - Save four Ukrainian Lions!

Lion Rescue 2 - Save four Ukrainian Lions!

DONATE NOW! TO HELP FOUR UKRANIAN LIONS AT YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE PARK! Wildlife Foundation is raising funds for four war-traumatised Ukrainian lions w... Read more

WLFUKR Emergency Appeal for Ukrainian Zoos

Emergency Appeal for Ukrainian Zoos

We are raising funds that will be directed to the EAZA's emergency appeal for Ukrainian Zoos 100% of which will go towards supporting zoos , their sta... Read more

YWPF21 YWPF COVID Animal Conservation Appeal

YWPF COVID Animal Conservation Appeal

We’ve launched our 2021 charity appeal to raise funds for our partner organisations’ conservation projects which have been impacted by the pandemi... Read more

AUSFIRE Australian Bushfire Crisis Support

Australian Bushfire Crisis Support

YWPF is proud to be working with the ZAA to raise funds for the wildlife affected by the Australian Bushfires.... Read more

YWPF Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation

Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation

a better world for wild animals.... Read more
