Play your part and inspire the engineers of the future.
We need your support to raise vital funds to sustain and grow the Aerospace Bristol learning programme and also increase the unique opportunities we can offer for young people in our amazing Conservation in action workshop!
The museum has learning at its heart and offers a strong learning programme that supports the National Curriculum. The museums learning programme and interactive exhibition encourages young people to engage with and be inspired by the engineering achievements of Bristol. Hands-on activity sessions, practical skills workshops, and science shows are provided to encourage young people along STEM pathways to ultimately increase the pool of skilled recruits for the engineering industry.
Inside ‘Conservation in Action’ workshop, our experienced volunteer team work on important aircraft conservation projects in view of the public. The workshop is a space for young people to learn more about engineering and gain invaluable hands-on work experience.
With your support we can provide formal and informal learning opportunities and allow work experience, early-career engineers and apprentices to work on unique aircraft projects alongside our staff and volunteers, encouraging the next generation along STEM pathways.
We are calling on supporters who care about igniting passion in our young people to support the Engineering Futures appeal today.
Play your part in nurturing the next generation of engineering talent!