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Feedback Madagascar

Feedback Madagascar


We connect the people of Madagascar with the environment around them.

We work hand in hand with some of the poorest communities in Madagascar to improve their lives and their environment. By addressing peoples' primary needs ( health, sanitation, agriculture) we allow them to focus on longer-term challenges (education, legal tenure, livelihoods), clearing a path to the creation of sustainable livelihoods and better environmental stewardship. In the process we not only save lives and improve community health, food security, education and prosperity, we also encourage and enable people to look after the forests on which they depend. So far we have helped them to protect over 164,000 hectares of forest, fauna and flora. Find out more about how we deliver: ​ ​Clean water Education Agriculture Health Conservation Livelihoods ​

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Feedback Madagascar

W4WATER Whisky for Water

Whisky for Water

Feedback Madagascar wants to give 3,000 people in Madagascar access to fresh water for life.... Read more
