NAPA and Ready Generations are delighted to be working together to bring the Fireside Variety club to people of all ages. It is our joint aim to support our sector to prioritise wellbeing.
The Fireside Variety Club celebrates the contributions of all ages and helps us to connect virtually when meeting in person is compromised. Any donation made to this campaign will be equally divided between each charity to support their work.
NAPA is a national charity and membership organisation. We support the care sector to prioritise the wellbeing through the promotion of activity, arts and engagement.
NAPA offers a range of support services including opportunities for professional development; training and education programmes for care and activity professionals, digital publications; professional magazine, a network of information and support, themed resources to enable activity and engagement and the NAPA helpline; a free information and support service for care and activity professionals and family carers.
Registered Charity Number: 1070674
Ready Generations
Ready Generations is a charity that promotes the value of human connection and aims to bring generations together in ways that have a positive impact and make a difference to individuals, families and communities. Our mission is simple - putting people first!
Charity Number: 1186999