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Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

South East

The RPO's mission is to enrich lives through orchestral experiences that are uncompromising in their excellence and inclusive in their appeal.

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s (RPO) mission is to enrich lives through orchestral experiences that are uncompromising in their excellence and inclusive in their appeal. It aims to place orchestral music at the heart of contemporary society by collaborating with creative partners to foster a deeper engagement with communities to ensure that live orchestral music is accessible to as inclusive and diverse an audience as possible. Whilst artistic integrity remains paramount, the RPO is unafraid to push boundaries and is equally at home recording video game, film and television soundtracks and working with pop stars, as it is performing the great symphonic repertoire.

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Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

INSPIRED YPG Premiere Donations Appeal

YPG Premiere Donations Appeal

Please support the RPO and our musicians in these difficult times so we can continue to bring live orchestral music to the widest possible audience.... Read more

DKJV001 Your first campaign

Your first campaign

Write a really compelling short description or summary... Read more
