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The Royal Association for Deaf people

The Royal Association for Deaf people


Founded in 1841, the Royal Association for Deaf people (RAD) provides services to deaf people in their first or preferred language, usually British Sign Language (BSL). Our Vision: A future of opportunity, achievement and equality for deaf people

Celebrating deaf culture and community is an essential part of what we do. With deaf people, and in collaboration with others, we innovate and deliver the services that deaf people want and need.

We are proud of our heritage, and are passionate about making sure that RAD continues to develop so that it remains relevant to the needs and aspirations of deaf people.

We have developed and delivered services that make a real difference to the lives of deaf people every day.

All our support services are provided in first language; British Sign Language (BSL) or other preferred visual communication such as Signed Supported English (SSE), Makaton, or Deafblind manual/hands on.

For more information about us and the services we provide, or to talk to one of our team online via our Live Chat, please visit our website: www.royaldeaf.org.uk

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The Royal Association for Deaf people

RAD10 Supporting deaf people across the UK

Supporting deaf people across the UK

Supporting deaf people across the UK... Read more

RAD5 Supporting deaf people across the UK

Supporting deaf people across the UK

Supporting deaf people across the UK... Read more

HEARART Supporting deaf people across the UK

Supporting deaf people across the UK

Supporting deaf people across the UK.... Read more

RADP001 Supporting Deaf people across the UK

Supporting Deaf people across the UK

Working together with Deaf people... Read more
