The Royal Association for Deaf people (RAD) provides services to deaf people across the UK, in British Sign Language (BSL).
There are approximately 120,000 deaf BSL users in the UK, for whom English is a second or third language. Living in a hearing world, where the majority of information is spoken or in the written word creates everyday barriers for the majority of deaf people. From accessing news, health care, financial advice, to education, employment and social activities, the barriers are profound; and are resulting in poor health outcomes, isolation and loneliness.
RAD is here to make a difference.
Celebrating deaf culture and community is an essential part of what we do. With deaf people, and in collaboration with others, we innovate and deliver services that deaf people want and need.
Support us in achieving our vision of providing a future of opportunity, achievement and equality for deaf people.
For more information about us and the services we provide, or to talk to one of our team online via our Live Chat, please visit our website: