Like many charities UCARE has had to cancel or postpone all our events and fundraisers which we rely heavily on for funding our charity, and our two part-time staff were furloughed for a while, but we are always in action and here for you in any way we can be. We cannot access the office, but you are welcome to contact us by telephone or email if you need any advice, support or even just a chat. We hope that we will soon be able to move forward with a strategy to fund and continue with our work – more than ever we all need each other’s support. It will be a tough road back to normality for us all. We feel it is even more important to be ready for action and support cancer services in Oxfordshire and improve the care and treatment of urological cancer patients by getting back in the community to raise awareness.
Facing the future of urological cancers togetherZWWI01
UCARE - South East
More than 5 people have donated a total of £165, be the next one...
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